Watch “Petit Suisse” the human story of Maxime Chabloz
This film is the intimate portrait of a gifted man, as comfortable on the snow as on the water.
This film is a sporting story of Maxime Chabloz, at the heart of his conquest of world titles in two completely opposite disciplines: skiing and kite-surfing. But it is also a human, sensitive and intimate story, as close as possible to the life and emotions of a young man in pursuit of his dream.
Maxime is a born competitor. As he likes to point out: “I wouldn’t be here if the goal wasn’t to win.” At only twenty years old, he is already three times world champion in kite surfing, and once in freeride skiing in the junior category. But today he is playing in the big leagues, at the highest level of each of these disciplines. He aims to become the first world champion athlete in both practices. It is through this quest that he is Maxime.
Produced by Petole Production & directed by Olivier Sautet
Watch the full movie here.