

Official Ski & Ski Boots Partners of the Freeride World Tour since 2019.


FWT • Home of freeride • 

about dynastar

We live skiing

Upon waking every morning, the eyes are automatically drawn to the summits. Whatever the weather, temperature or snow quality, we want to be the first ones out on the piste and the last ones home. As we remember how to enjoy the simple things in life and share great times together while succumbing to the spell of the mountain.

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About Lange

just boots

Just Boots.
That's all we make.
All we think about.
Every day.
Performance. Power. Precision. Fit. Flex. Fun.
These aren't just buzzwords in catalogues.
They're what keep us up at night.
Because nobody "just" wins hunders of gold medals.
And nobody "just" invents the modern ski boot.
Great things need a little obsession.
So after 60 years of making just boots, you know they'll never be just boots.
Lange. Just Boots

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09 November 2022

Partners of the competition since 2019, Dynastar and Lange have announced the renewal of their partnership for a further three years with the Freeride World Tour, the benchmark world circuit, the Freeride World Qualifier and the Freeride Junior Tour, as official suppliers. The great story between Dynastar and the Freeride World Tour is entering a […]

Team Riders

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ReplayYETI Xtreme Verbier by Honda

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